First time user here, going through all the manuals and tutorials trying to get my grips with Notch!
I tried playing a variety of files through play sound node and I am not getting anything - no waveform or sound. Am I missing some fundamental step I have to do before importing/dropping a node and hitting play?
To follow up on this: this feels like a local issue to me. Especially because there are no Audio Inputs listed. That smells a little like a driver issue, as most sound cards (even motherboard based ones) usually have audio in as well.
Yes, all of the audio files play fine in AE, PR and VLC with no issues. I have restarted the machine multiple times, creates new projects and nothing. Am I correct in thinking that even if it’s sound card issue, I should still be seeing waveform being generated?
Arty, can you start a blank project and import the file and connect the sound to the root node and try playing it again. once you have done this can you send us the log via Notch Support at
So after looking at logs I figured out the problem: Notch was unable to load sound files located on NAS drives. After copying the files to a local location, it works flawlessly.
Another weird thing: after leaving Notch playing overnight (by accident) the sound was playing fine from NAS, but there was still no waveform.
Thanks for letting us know what was up — you had us all scratching our heads there for a quite a while. I’m glad you found a workaround, and yes — we always recommend you work on local files, even though we were not aware of this particular issue until you brought it up.
Just on the same topic, would the same problem persist once deployed on disguise server? I.e. all the files should be local and not referenced from a NAS/SAS? I apologise in advance if it sounds stupid, just trying to wrap my head around working with Notch and a lot of the files we use reside on multiple NAS locations.
When you export blocks from Notch Builder to be used in media servers (such as disguise), the imported files (including audio files) will be bundled into the block/DFX file yes, so it will be available locally.
Your NAS woes should therefore only apply as you are building your scenes and looks. That said, there are some network related fixes in the latest internal builds which will make it out to all users eventually. Until then though, I would recommend you work off of local copies if you can :)strong text