How to get Sound playback from Video files

I have a Notch project with multiple video files in Notch LC codec. I seem to have no way playback the audio of the files, whether I load them externally or internally. The files play perfectly normally anywhere else on the system

Hi, audio and video are handled seperately inside of Notch. You can split out your audio from the video file and use a play sound node. There’s a lot of software that can do that, but you could look into ffmpeg as a free option

Thanks @blank-7339. While i that helps in the future for layback of fixed assets, I am trying to use Notch as a means to present awards during a live show, with a notch block inside disguise. I use CSV files and would like the option of showcasing the winner names alongwith the case study video alongwith it. While I am able to externally trigger winner video files from the folder (without embedding the video files inside the notch block), I am unable to playback the audio of these files. With over 200 video files (converted to Notch LC of course) I have have been able to successfully execute everything else except for the audio of the videos. It would have a single solution to the entire process. Now I’ll have to use Notch to animate the text and use another means to trigger the videos