No sound - Trial version Issue?

Hi everyone, i’m a newbie :slight_smile:

I’m starting off with some basic tutorials to experiment with Notch and i’m trying to create sound reactive particles. However, i’ve tried a few different mp3 files and i’m getting no input when I press play, nor on the waveform graph. Is this a limitation in the trial version?


Hello Chris,
Mp3s works and it should not be limited in Trial version, I see your naming convention came in with question marks, perhaps there is some unicode characters there? Try renaming your audio file.
Here is a working sample for you to test:


Hi Armin, thanks for the reply,

The problem persists, even with that file you sent. I attached two screenshots to show the settings the nodes are set to.


It does run on 2 systems i have checked just now.
I see you have sound.dfx as audio resource in your resources window.
Not sure how you managed to bring it in there…
Could you instead double click on the sound.dfx file to open it?
Your file should look like this -

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It works! Thank you, also I did change the file name of the other mp3 and it’s working now.

Genius :slight_smile:

great to hear that all is in order now :slight_smile: