Hi there,
I am not able to attached log file, it is giving me message, new users cannot upload file. So i am coping the log content in this reply only, please have a look
12:27:56 : Notch.exe, Version
12:27:56 : Begin AnalyseDongles
12:27:56 : Begin FindSubscriptionLicenses
12:27:56 : Begin GetSubscriptionData
12:27:56 : End GetSubscriptionData
12:27:56 : Subscription licenses:
12:27:56 : 0: serial: (Mask: 3, Number: 4860048), ticketId: F9UZ6-WAARD-M4EWU-GHYMQ-LL6FA, expiration time: 2020-06-16 05:29:59, dongle firmware time: 2020-05-20 12:25:50
12:27:56 : End FindSubscriptionLicenses
12:27:56 : Begin FindBuilderLicenses
12:27:56 : FindBuilderLicenses (local lanwan)
12:27:56 : Begin ProductQuery. Network license : No
12:27:56 : Begin ProductInfoQuery for product code: 880
12:27:56 : End ProductInfoQuery
12:27:56 : Local licenses only:
12:27:56 : 0: serial: (Mask: 3, Number: 4860048), product code: 880, expiration time: 2020-06-16 05:29:59, dongle firmware time: 2020-05-20 12:25:50, activated: true, is subscription: true
12:27:56 : FindBuilderLicenses (lanwan)
12:27:57 : Network licenses (includes local):
12:27:57 : 0: serial: (Mask: 3, Number: 4860048), product code: 880, expiration time: 2020-06-16 05:29:59, dongle firmware time: 2020-05-20 12:25:50, activated: true, is subscription: true
12:27:57 : Valid licenses:
12:27:57 : 0: serial: (Mask: 3, Number: 4860048), product code: 880, expiration time: 2020-06-16 05:29:59, dongle firmware time: 2020-05-20 12:25:50, activated: true, is subscription: true
12:27:57 : End FindBuilderLicenses
12:27:57 : End AnalyseDongles
12:27:57 : Begin GetLicenseStatus
12:27:57 : End GetLicenseStatus. rsltText = Notch Builder Pro Subscription
12:27:57 : Begin GetActionState
12:27:57 : End (1) GetActionState
12:27:57 : Begin SubscriptionsNeedUpdate
12:27:57 : Needs update
12:27:57 : End SubscriptionsNeedUpdate
12:27:57 : Begin GetLicenseVersion
12:27:57 : End GetLicenseVersion. rsltText = PRO Subscription
12:27:57 : Begin GetExpiresText
12:27:57 : End GetExpiresText. rsltText = 16 June 2020 (26 days left)
12:27:58 : Begin UpdateSubscriptionLicenses
12:27:58 : Serial: 3-4860048, TicketId: F9UZ6-WAARD-M4EWU-GHYMQ-LL6FA
12:27:58 : Begin FindBuilderLicenses
12:27:58 : FindBuilderLicenses (local lanwan)
12:27:58 : Begin ProductQuery. Network license : No
12:27:58 : Begin ProductInfoQuery for product code: 880
12:27:58 : End ProductInfoQuery
12:27:58 : Local licenses only:
12:27:58 : 0: serial: (Mask: 3, Number: 4860048), product code: 880, expiration time: 2020-06-16 05:29:59, dongle firmware time: 2020-05-20 12:25:50, activated: true, is subscription: true
12:27:58 : FindBuilderLicenses (lanwan)
12:27:58 : Network licenses (includes local):
12:27:58 : 0: serial: (Mask: 3, Number: 4860048), product code: 880, expiration time: 2020-06-16 05:29:59, dongle firmware time: 2020-05-20 12:25:50, activated: true, is subscription: true
12:27:58 : Valid licenses:
12:27:58 : 0: serial: (Mask: 3, Number: 4860048), product code: 880, expiration time: 2020-06-16 05:29:59, dongle firmware time: 2020-05-20 12:25:50, activated: true, is subscription: true
12:27:58 : End FindBuilderLicenses
12:27:58 : End UpdateSubscriptionLicenses, updateRslt=0
12:27:58 : Begin GetLicenseStatus
12:27:58 : End GetLicenseStatus. rsltText = Notch Builder Pro Subscription
12:27:58 : Begin GetLicenseVersion
12:27:58 : End GetLicenseVersion. rsltText = PRO Subscription
12:27:58 : Begin GetExpiresText
12:27:58 : End GetExpiresText. rsltText = 16 June 2020 (26 days left)
12:27:59 : Begin GetActionState
12:27:59 : End (1) GetActionState
12:27:59 : Begin GetLicenseVersion
12:27:59 : End GetLicenseVersion. rsltText = PRO Subscription
12:27:59 : Begin GetExpiresText
12:27:59 : End GetExpiresText. rsltText = 16 June 2020 (26 days left)
12:28:00 : Begin GetExpiresText
12:28:00 : End GetExpiresText. rsltText = 16 June 2020 (26 days left)
12:28:00 : Running Notch process with command line: “C:\Program Files\Notch\NotchApp.exe” -expiresin “16 June 2020 (26 days left)”
This is all what i found in the log file.
Thank you