Kinect2 skeleton smooth tracking


I’m looking for a smooth tracking of the Skeleton in Notch with Kinect2 like this video made with VVVV : For now, the tracking isn’t smooth at all and not accurate and there is absolutely no tutorial or video about that… :frowning:
Do you have any idea of what i can do to improve that?

Thanks a lot for your help ! :blush:


The new tweening null might work for this? But I have no idea since I haven’t tested it. Some things like this are better handled in Touch and then sent to Notch via OSC, but that won’t be the best solution for all circumstances.

I would definitely try a smooth envelope modifier


Hi everybody,

Sorry for late reply, i was in holidays :sunny:
Thanks for your answers, i will try smooth envelope modifier and get back to you.
@cerspense, yeah, i also could go through VVVV and sent it to Notch but i was interested to do everything directly in Notch :slight_smile: