Hi there guys,
Wanted to check if it is possible to set a keyframe using any methods like ‘setKey’ or ‘setKeyframe’ in the javascript file (.js file). Not sure if this is part of the syntax or undocumented or not available in Notch currently.
Currently not possible at present - what are you looking to achieve here? I would assume modifiers would be a better solution for most obvious use cases.
– Ryan
Thanks Ryan. Was generally exploring the Javascript node to see what was possible. Modifiers definitely help for the usual challenges. I do a bit of scripting in AfterEffects and Processing to automate certain tasks. Guess was trying to find some parallels to Notch 
Yeh automation is always nice, but that’s basically what the modifiers are for. if there’s a use case where a modifier wouldn’t suffice I’d love to hear it tho.
– Ryan