Freezing Procedurals (Dynamics) Issue

Hi guys (or Ryan!)

When freezing a Procedural (i.e dynamics turned off) I’ve noticed any Clone-to-Procedural that’s attached keeps acting as though dynamics is still turned on and continues animating. Is there any work around to this?


Just noticed turning off dynamics won’t save position after a restart. I tried baking but that didn’t seem to render the procedural fluids. Any ideas would be appreciated :slight_smile:

I assume you are referring to the procedural meshing property? That’s just freezing the mesh generation, not the whole procedural system. If you want the mesh to stick, probably better to export it as geometry and re-import it.

As for clone to procedurals… it’ll depend what you are sending into the procedural system itself. if that’s a field, might be able to hold it with a time stretch set to 0.

– Ryan

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