Extracting Motive positional data

Hi, I have Motive sending data to Notch correctly, so that is all working well. However, I am trying to use an Extractor node to get the position information and it’s always 0s. I’m plugging this in where I had previously used some Math Modifiers to animate the position until I was able to plug in to the Motive system and the Extractors worked as expected.

Is there a way to get the updated position data from the Motive Rigid Body node to use in Math nodes down the chain?

Edited to add: The “what” I’m trying to accomplish - I have a head model with separate eyes. I want the eyes to track a separate model. I was previously using a Shape 3D and animating the position, then updating the UV offset of the eye texture based on the position of the Shape 3D when it came within a certain range. Now that the Motive data is there, however, none of my extractors are reacting, so my UV offset approach for the eye texture no longer works.

motive_extract_rigid_body_position.dfx (16.0 KB)

Try extracting the world position of the object that you have parented to the Motive Rigid Body node. That should get this working for you

Fantastic, I think I can work with that!