Motive to Notch

Hello guys, I have a little trouble to received the mocap date from motiv to notch,
I did leave the ip adress empty and I do received some date but only the head of my character is moving.
I used a mixamo character and my project worked witch perception neuron…
Is it maybe and motive side and how to set up the setting of the streaming?

Thanks you !!!


Hi, we’ve encountered the same issue today and want to confirm something.
Were you trying to use Motive 2 for this? We will try tomorrow with Motive 3, too; let’s hope for the best.

Did you have any luck using Motive 3 here? @increasing-6436
In the Motive streaming settings, there’s a field which lets you determine the Bone Naming convention of your data - If you’re seeing similar outcomes to the OP, there’s a good chance this falls to a Rigging/Bone Naming issue.
We aren’t able to test this locally so if you’re able to test this out, could you post back with your findings? :slight_smile:

After testing with Motive 3.0.2, the problem still persists.

It’s definitely a bone naming convention issue, but the problem seems to be between Motive and Notch. No matter what naming settings I use on both ends, the result is the same,w even in the viewport visualizer of the OptiTrack Mocap Skeleton node. Only the neck and the head move.

Meanwhile, in UE, the data arrives perfectly.

For now, Our workaround is to capture the skeleton in UE and transmit video data through NDI, making it somewhat usable, but it’s obviously not optimal.
After this, there’s another problem of using the mocap data on a distributed MediaServer setup, which I couldn’t find anything on. (also something the above-mentionedw NDI method conveniently circumvents).

Will probably keep posting here as things progress.