Different resolutions in Multi-Camera node?

Hi all, does anyone know if there is a way to set up the multi camera with each camera having a different aspect ratio/resolution? Or if there are any clever workarounds which allow for that to happen?


Multicam doesn’t support varying resolutions - For that, I would suggest using multiple render to texture systems and arranging them on the viewport with Image 2Ds.

– Ryan

Ah I see, thanks for the advice!

Hi Ryan,
I kinda put this project down for a bit but am working on it again,
with multiple render to texture does this mean I would need to essentially copy my nodegraph for however many cameras I need? Or is there a way to pipe the output of a camera straight into a render to texture node?


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You don’t need to copy everything - you can just multi-parent the scene. I will usually take a complete scene, move it under a null, and then just connect each of my render to textures to that null. Check out this example.
MultiCameraImage2DWorkAround.dfx (54.2 KB)

– Ryan

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Ah gotcha! Thanks again!
