Support for Stereolabs ZED1 & ZED2

Will the Stereolabs ZED1 & ZED2 camera’s be supported in the future? Would love to use these camera’s within Notch.

I also have a Touch Designer license, is there a way I can get the ZED Pointcloud from Touch to Notch with exposing a video output? Downside from this is I can’t make the network with realtime input… or would NDI/Spout be an option for this?


I came to ask the same question! +1 Did you figure out any solutions?

Hello, any news about this implementation? We use stereolabs cameras with Unity and I think that in Notch they could give many possibilities.

We are currently focusing on our next major release, but we’ll chat to the dev team about support in the future.

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+1 For this integration too :slight_smile: