I would like to launch the standalone on my desktop in x=O, y=0 so It stay in left upper corner. Is there a way to position the standalone thru a comand line? Or other solution?
I can change resolution, screen… But It always load centered.
There isn’t controls for that through the command line for setting the position of where the standalone .exe will open. One alternative might be to use a new layer - with a layer precomp into an image 2D to set the resolution of your content and make sure it is always located in the top left. You could then launch your standalone in full screen but still have the location and resolution you want? I don’t know what it is exactly you’re trying to do so unsure if this is a workable solution. Is this to feed an LED processor maybe?
Her’es a quick example of resizing an existing layer resize_precomp.dfx (6.6 KB)
Hi Blank,
thanks a lot. It’s not really what I’m trying to achieve.
I’ll explain: I’m making a show with 8-7 imag fx (1 for each layer in notch), in a standalone sending via spout to resolume Arena and then onto ledscreens. So to have always visible the notch standalone I’ll love to put the app window top-right, so then on left I can keep the Arena window visibile as well.
I could of course the standalone output onto another screen of the mediaserver… And that’s how I’m doing now, but I have to keep 2 screens, I’m using a small 12 inch screen cause I’m not having so much space in the various locations. But yes it there was a command line I could do it just with one screen, instead of having to switch alt-tab between the two apps.
Just jumping in here - While we don’t have any way of setting the origin of the Standalone handle, you could try using a 3rd party software to do this.
Have a look at this: Cmdow by ritchielawrence
I’ve used this on my machine successfully and haven’t had any issues with it - I’d advise using this at your discretion however, as numerous AntiVirus vendors flag this as dangerous (It isn’t).
If you’d like any help setting this up for what you need, please reach out either here on through our support team: support@notch.one