Parent to vertex cause child objects to rotate at double speed


Using the Parent to Vertex node parented to a Null cause the child objects of the Parent to Vertex node to rotate at double speed of the parent object when rotating the Null.

Reproduction steps:

Connecting the Continous Modifier with a speed of 10 to the Rotate Lights Null.

Expected result:

Lights should rotate at the same rate as the other objects.

Actual result:

Lights rotate twice as fast.


Lights can be replaced with objects resulting in the same behaviour.
Connecting the Continous Modifier with a speed of 5 syncs up the motion.
Math Modifier/Sine exhibits the same issue, albeit somewhat exaggerated. Maybe suggesting a scaling/amplitude issue?
Scaling the parent object doesn’t seem to make a difference.

RotateBug.dfx (62.0 KB)