Notch for Apple m1 max

Hello guys! Any plan for a Mac version with the new Apple silicon m1 chips? Thanks

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Notch Builder won’t be coming to MacOS for the foreseeable future. The M1 Silicon chips are fantastic for a lot of things, but aren’t actually that great for what Notch relies on - GPU Compute. Currently, the Notch engine is built on DirectX, a windows only framework, so adapting Notch to M1 would require completely rebuilding Notch. So between it taking an exceedingly long time to achieve and the final outcome not actually having any performance benefits, we’re focusing instead on improving the tool and making it the best it can be, on windows.

– Ryan


I am trying it with crossover …
(Intel) Mac OSX 10.15.7
AMD Radeon Pro 5500M 8Gb

Captura de pantalla 2024-03-22 a las 12.50.28

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