I have a project where I need to switch between different scenes/layers in a standalone file. I want to do this to save performance on the machine running the standalone.
What would be the best approach to do this? I cant think of any way to connect a modifier to a layer so that it turns it on/off, but that would be my dream scenario.
You can use OSC data to switch between layers, or you can use the WEB gui to switch layers. if you want to be a little bit fancier, at the cost of a little performance, you could build a layer switcher out of layer pre-comp nodes to switch between layers, but you’d need to only keep one layer active at a time to maintain reasonable performance.
– Ryan
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Right! Just… wheree do I put the OSC signal? 
We have a concept called transport controls - essentially, there are special OSC commands you can use which don’t get sent to a node, and instead are used to control the timeline / layers. Take a look.
– Ryan
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