Hello everyone and thanks for that forum.
I’ve been playing with Notch a few days and I love it !
I’m still beginning and trying to understand how the nodes work together. I watched tutorials and read the manual but i’m stuck on something : how can you mix and blend different “visual inputs” to use as a texture on a mesh ?
For example, having a base color, and on top of it some noise set to Add, and on top of that an image set to multiply ? I tried mixing Generators in materials without success, and finally managed to do it via 2D images in a precomp layer, but isn’t there an easier and more straightforward way ?
Here’s my setup
(And also, my Colour Correction node affects the whole images and not only the fractal noise).
For example, here is how I would do in blender and the kind of thing I’m looking for.
Thanks in advance for your replies