Flocking Effector

Hello guys I have some trouble using the flocking effector…
First, when plugged 3d object or shape 3d in the obstacles nodes, nothing happen! something to configurate?
Second Is there a way to input multiple goal such as an array of point or multiple instance… and not just a number of null allready in the patch…
I looking to to do an interactive installation where some fish are attract by the public walking in the space…
I can use an classical attractor but the mouvement is not a flocking move…


Hey Raphael

Please could you upload your file so that we can take a look at it.

Thank you

FISH.dfx (202.5 KB)

Hi Will,
Thanks for the answer,
In this example you need to input some data from a tuio array, You need an external program to generate this…
In an ideal world, I wont have a limiation number of goal, Here I had to built 5 null with an extractor of the data from the tuio… but I’m limited to the 5 first people who will enter the room…
And my obstacles nodes input doesnt seems to work…
for the Help