Controlling lights in render layers


I always wanted to have more control over the lights so been playing around with putting
lights in render layers, to blur or put post fx on that doesn’t go on the rest
would this make sense or is there a better way?

Also volume metrics lighting i is there a way or will there come away to properly tweak the noise
using the comping of different noise also having the resolution and gradients would really help in comping

Also, try fields system for this but still only one RTX 3090 its keeps crazing when I try to
cache to disc when pushing the quality of the smoke
Would also be cool to see if someone has some good solutions on this

I will try today to make the smoke sim in Houdini and take over in Notch to see if that works better


sorry, have ultra wides hope you guys can see better now :slight_smile:

Here it would be nice with a 3d noise is that something coming?