Sorry for not using the issue reporting guidelines, I couldn’t find them and looking at about 5 posts in here I noticed that nobody seems to use them
So when box selecting an imported geometry node (an fbx for example), the interface freezes for a while. When you select the node directly, it’s pretty instant. I have had this happen always, but it wasn’t a big issue for me until now.
In my current project I have a physics simulation with 1k objects and about 1250 frames, so lots and lots of keyframes, imported through a 23 mb fbx file. Playback is awesome, so no complaining there. Normally when box-selecting a simple fbx, the interface will freeze for a couple of seconds, but with this fbx it will shut me down for at least 15 minutes. So now I just try to pay attention to NOT box-select those geo nodes or I will have to force quit and go back to my last autosave, kind of a hassle.
I Imagine it has something to do with box-selecting tries to select all subnodes that hide within the geo node as opposed to click-selecting only selects the ‘master’ node.
I can supply a sample project if needed.