Does anyone know if there’s a way of applying multiple materials to an object? Similar to that of using heatmaps? (See below)
I’ve seen there’s a ‘multiple material’ node but it looks like this only support 2 materials (i’m looking at 8), is there any other method of applying multiple materials which are mapped onto an object?
Currently this isn’t possible, but it is something we are looking into. Can I ask what your doing that needs 8 materials to be combined into one material?
– Ryan
Hey Ryan, no probs - glad it’s being looked at.
It was essentially for a landscape i created in World Creator and then imported into Notch. I wanted to jazz up some of the materials using some Quixel textures using heatmaps, mainly because the colour map from WC is quite bland. So for example there’d a grass map, a rock map, etc.
Hope that gives you a better idea of what i wanted to achieve.
Ah yes I suspected it would be a landscape of some sort
We’ll keep you posted - but if you could send some sample data over it would help me with out internal testing.
– Ryan
No probs Ryan, will fire that over to you later.
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