I work for Warner Media and am trying out this software on the trial license towards the possibility of implementing it on a larger scale in my department. The program is great and stable, but have found this forum to be often times silent and unhelpful. Is the support reliable from Notch when you buy it or is this more of a Maya type community with a sink or swim mentality?
Hi mason,
I liked my dive into the software alot when I look back at it now.
The software is very new and quite unknown so far. So there is not much 8f the typical youtube tutorial stuff that you may expect for e.g. zbrush or after effects.
Armin (a product specialist working for notch) has created a amazing training course, this will help you out over the holidays to get your feet wet.
You should be able to access it in your account on the website.
The support was always great and snappy, don’t expect prechewn solutions to all your problems (dependent on the size of your problem) but this is also what helped me alot to get into it. Picking your brain about how to solve things with a push in the right direction helps you more then you may think in the beginning .
Also the notch Facebook group is a great source for information if you are into Facebook.
Kev zhu has great videos of how to solve some deeper topics.
If in need you can always write a message to support@notch.one and expect a answer in 24h.
At first I think good information is, that everything works even on the trial version, so when something does not work you see in and tutorial, it’s because you hooked something up wrong not because if the trial version.
Merry Xmas and happy notching.
P.s. Buy coffee…
I email support@notch.one at least once per project, they always get back to me as quickly as I need them to and have never left me hanging, whether I’m billing $400 or $14,000.