MIDI Modifier issue

Midi Note messages are being read as Midi CC Messages when using the MIDI Modifier node.

The expected behaviour is nothing should register as the data is Note, not CC.

Here’s a video showing the issue:

Ideally this node should be able to extract and identify any MIDI data, not just CC.

Correct, we need an option to select behavior how to read out the midi information.

So we dont need a third party application for that.

Just to add that this is verion on Win64. I recently updated and hadn’t run into this issue previously (then again I hadn’t tested it extensively as I have now, so the issue may have been present all along).

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Sorry, newbie here. A useful stand alone program for MIDI manipulations is TransMIDIfier: Be Wary Software - Products - TransMIDIfier

Maybe it could help. Just FYI. Best, Uber

Hi Uber! Thanks for the reply. I ended up using MIDI-OX (free) to alter the midi messages before they reach Notch. It’s under “options->mapping”

Using this I can repackage the data any way I like, thereby getting around limitations in Notch. A virtual midi port also means (on Windows) not having to restart Notch when MIDI connections drop, only MIDI-OX


If anyone needs assistance doing something similar, let me know and I can drop more details.

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