i’m experiencing a crash when i want to export a video from a project. it says :
“Demolition-FX Error : Video export failed : VideoProcessor application timed out or terminated early”
After a research on the forum i have found the timed issue (Demolition-FX GPU hung error) and i have fixed that.
It’s a pretty large file but not crazy : 5860x1920 with imported mesh 3d and deformers, mapping project. config : razor blade 17" with egpu : 1080ti
i’ve tried with my laptop gpu : 2080 rtx, on an other pc…actually i can’t export video from any project, even the templates…i really don’t know what’s wrong. Can’t work since 1 week on a big project with this issue
When I’ve had this issue, I render in .mov (or .avi) instead of .mp4 and it has solved my problem each time. I realize this isn’t the best case, but it’s better than no render at all!
[UI] Updated the export video dialog to error if the output width and height for H264 .mp4 exports is not a multiple of 2. This is a requirement of the output format.