Interactive project coding / Help


I have a question, if someone could answer them or point me in the right direction that would be great.

A little bit of background. I am working on an interactive project; the sensor I am using is the HC-SR04 Ultrasonic. I have a code on the Arduino and that connected to Isadora which when is sending OSC to notch.

Do I need to add to the code what I what the sensor to do to the content or do I just plug in the OSC modifier to what I want to change? Example: I have a particle system going on and I have the OSC modifier plug into the SPH effector gravity.



In most cases you can use the OSC modifier node to control whatever parameters you want.

You can use other modifier nodes such as Range Remap, Envelope Modifiers and Smooth Envelope modifiers to alter the values you are receiving from OSC.

In some circumstances, you could use javascript to write code that could be triggered by OSC. But you can get a long way using the OSC modifier

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