Feature request - node Graph Screenshot Exporter

Hey Captains!

In future releases would it be possible to add a function/shortcut that exports the entire node graph as either a pdf or SVG image file to be viewed offline?

Just would be useful to be able to trace signal flow when Notch isn’t open, or to forward to other techs to explain how something is built, without having a notch license, and a vector format would mean you can zoom in without losing the ability to read the text and trace fine lines.

I currently take screen shots, but with larger and larger node graphs for complex scenes, even on a 4k screen it becomes hard to read the labels as you need to zoom out so far to fit it on the screen.

Totally understand if this sounds silly or is incredibly difficult to build.

Happy Notching!


Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll bring it up with the dev team :slight_smile: